What is Health?

Health is an ongoing internal process of maintaining homeostasis (good working order) in the body. Cell repair (and if beyond repair, cell destruction), as well as identification and elimination of foreign invaders, toxins and mutated or damaged cells are all processes that need to be performed perfectly in order to guarantee your health. Most of these jobs are done by your Immune System (IS), so if things go wrong in the body, it is usually because the IS is not functioning as well as it should. Premature ageing, infections, fatigue, allergies and illness are the result of a poorly functioning IS.

Health is like a symphony orchestra. When all instruments play in tune, they enhance each other and a symphony results. When one or more instruments play out of tune, a cacophony (ill health) results.

What is necessary to create the perfect symphony?

* All instruments must be there and every instrument must be there in the right quantity
* All instruments must be in perfect working order to produce the perfect sound
* All instruments must play in tune with each other
* All musicians must be enthusiastic and in the same frame of mind

To create perfect health every reaction in the body must be able to take place and do so under perfect conditions:

* All components must be there and every nutrient must be there in the right quantity
* All molecules must be in perfect working order, i.e. a reaction will not take place if the enzyme is defective
* All molecules must vibrate in the right way with respect to themselves and each other
* The right amount of energy must be available so that the reaction can take place

All components must be there and every component must be there in the right quantity

Whether all ingredients are there depends mainly on the person’s Nutrition. For example if the person does not consume enough protein, the body does not receive enough building blocks (amino acids) to make its own proteins (enzymes, collagen, hair, nails, certain hormones etc.). Enzymes play a major role in all biological reactions therefore a lack of protein in the diet will have a major effect on every cell of the body and every reaction that takes place in that cell.

It is also possible that the diet provides enough of each nutrient, but that there is a digestion, absorption or assimilation problem, which prevents a nutrient from reaching its target cells in the body. This way the body will become deficient in that nutrient and some or many reactions in the body will be affected, thus creating disharmony and eventually disease in the body. For example a problem in the absorption of Zinc will cause a problem in wound healing.

All molecules must be in perfect working order

Many reactions in the body take place via a key-lock mechanism, where one molecule (messenger molecule or nutrient) fits perfectly into another (receptor molecule), so that a reaction starts or finishes when the right key fits in the right lock. The lock is created by the way the receptor molecule is folded in space. How a molecule folds depends on how parts of the molecule attract or repel each other, which leads to a unique 3 Dimensional structure, which is specific for every key and every lock. For example if the shape of the lock is such that it contains a certain groove, then the shape of its key will be such that it fits exactly into that groove.

If for some reason the key or the lock has changed the key will not fit into the lock anymore and the reaction cannot take place. For example this is the case when, because of a genetic defect, the body produces a defective hormone (key) which does not fit into the lock. Depending on the severity of the misfit, that reaction will then be partly or completely blocked.

All molecules must vibrate in the right way with respect to themselves and each other

Whether parts of a molecule attract or repel each other depends on:

* Their electrical charge

* The way they vibrate

“It is often the smallest forces in nature that create the biggest changes”.

The way a molecule vibrates depends on the electrical charge of parts of that molecule. Drugs for example can change the electrical charge of parts of a molecule. This will change the attraction and repulsion between parts of the same molecule and therefore change the way the molecule folds. As the molecule changes shape, the shape and size of the groove (lock) also changes, causing a less than perfect fit for the key. When this happens it is said that the sensitivity of the receptor molecule has decreased. Whether it has decreased by a lot or a little determines how well the reaction can still take place.

For example obesity is often caused by a decreased sensitivity of the insulin receptor since a perfect fit with insulin is necessary to open the cell’s door to let glucose into the cell. A less than perfect fit will lead to the cell’s starvation of glucose and too high a concentration of glucose in the blood.

Emotions are also vibrations. Every emotion has its own specific vibrational pattern (i.e. you can feel your whole body tremble with anger). A problem is created when the vibrational pattern of an emotion interferes with the vibrational pattern of a molecule or part thereof. This has an effect on the way the different parts of the molecule interact with each other and therefore on the way that molecule folds. Negative emotions (i.e. fear, feeling rejected, jealousy, hatred) tend to have this disturbing effect whereas positive emotions do not (i.e. love, enthusiasm, courage, peace). Good emotions seem to have a healing effect, possibly due to restoring the original vibrations of the molecule and parts thereof.

The right amount of energy must be available so that the reaction can take place

Most reactions in the body require a certain amount of energy before the reaction can take place: this is called the Activation Energy. If a musician feels exhausted, he cannot produce the same quality of music as when he feels energised and enthusiastic, so he needs to energise himself before he can play at his best. Similarly the body first needs to produce energy from the food we eat before any reaction can take place to produce new molecules necessary for cell growth and cell repair.

How do we regain Health?

Health is a process, not a constant, i.e. a dynamic balance. As an orchestra does not produce the exact same quality symphony every day, the body will not produce the same state of health every day. It depends on the nutrition, the emotions, the thoughts, the amount of stress, exercise and sleep as well as the amount of alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and drugs the person consumed that day etc. If the conductor perceives that the quality of the symphony has decreased, it is his job to rectify the problem and do whatever it takes until the orchestra produces the perfect symphony again. In relation to health the person is the conductor and it is up to him/her to take care of him/her selves.

If you ask people what the most important thing in their life is, most people would mention health, but at the same time most people are not prepared to do whatever it takes to regain or maintain health. In general most people spend more money on keeping their car on the road than on keeping themselves on the road. This may be influenced by the approach of Western Medicine: if you have a problem, you go to the doctor who fixes the symptoms for you with drugs or surgery and all you do is pay, but even then Medicare and Private Health Insurance will help to cover costs.

A study in Hong Kong showed that people who exercise spend less on medical bills. If everyone walked 20 minutes twice a week the entire Hong Kong population would save 400 million dollars a year. The amount of effort required on behalf of the patient either financially or in lifestyle changes is minimal, as expensive operations, when health has really deteriorated, are usually not payable by the patient. Not so with your car. We all know that we need to give our car regular services and take care of small repairs immediately, or else we will need to pay more for bigger repairs and no insurance company will pay these repairs for you. Fortunately though, even when it has come to this, most cars are still repairable, because you can replace every part. This is not the case with your body. Since there is no shop were we can buy new parts (a transplant is not a preferable solution either, as it creates a lot of other health complications), we have to take care of the weaker parts ourselves, treat them well and give them regular services to prevent long term damage (as liver cirrhosis in the case of alcohol abuse).

In the 20th Century Western Medicine developed may new drugs and surgery techniques that could cure diseases that were previously considered incurable. For example antibiotics worked great for bacterial infections such as pneumonia and surgery works excellent for broken legs or heart defects.

As we approached the 21st Century however, we were faced with many diseases that are not completely curable by drugs and surgery. Cancer, Auto-immune diseases, Heart and Cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 Diabetes (together often referred to as Syndrome X), Strokes, Asthma, Allergies, Alzheimers Disease, Parkinsons Disease and other Neuro-degenerative diseases are all examples of diseases that are not completely curable by drugs and surgery. At present these diseases are therefore considered incurable. These are diseases of the 21st Century. They are caused by our modern lifestyle of high stress, and low exercise levels, diets that are high in sugar and junk food and low in vitamins, minerals and fibre, use of drugs, smoking and drinking habits, pollution, toxins, radiation, pesticides and herbicides that we are now exposed to. These factors change the vibrational patterns in the body, they change and block receptor sites, they damage our genes and therefore compromise our state of health.

How do we deal with these 21st Century diseases?

As part of regaining health the vibrational patterns in the body must be restored, structural and emotional imbalances must be dealt with. The diet must be optimal for that person in that shape and all nutritional deficiencies must be taken care of.

Therefore it is necessary to find all disturbances, i.e. traumas, negative thought patterns and emotions, or any of the above factors that created a disturbance and deal with them in the quickest and best way possible. Many techniques can help do this: Homeopathy, Flower essences, Acupuncture, Homeopathic Meridian Science, Kinesioloy, Reiki, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Nutrition, herbs and supplements and many more. Kinesiology is a great technique that allows you to find out what and where the disturbances are and again to determine how to bring the body back to a state of balance.

To regain health the person must be willing to be pro-active, as things will only change for the better if a number of lifestyle changes are made. During a series of Kinesiology Sessions you can look at all areas of life to see which ones are out of balance and which changes need to be made to bring those areas back into balance (see further under Kinesiology).

Can we help ourselves?

In the “Introduction to Kinesiology” course (for dates see: Course brochures) you will be able to learn how to Muscle Check yourself and others, to determine what the cause of ill health is and which foods, supplements and techniques will be most successful in assisting you and others in your/their healing process.

In the “Brainfood” course (for dates see: Course brochures) you will learn what foods are beneficial and what foods and substances are harmful for brain development, memory, behaviour and learning.

In the “Quantum Learning Improvement” course (for dates see: Course brochures) you will learn:

* Brain Gym®
* The Integration process of Educational Kinesiology (see “How to Improve Learning ” for writing examples of “Before” and “After” Brain Gym® and the Integration Process)
* Accelerated Learning techniques for Mental Mathematics, Spelling and Reading Comprehension
* The SureReading programme – the amazing reading programme that teaches anyone how to read especially designed for children with Dyslexia and other reading difficulties.

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