About us

Hi, My name is Anke Koelman and I was born in the Netherlands, where I completed my University education. In 1984 we moved to Adelaide, where soon after we arrived our third child, Friso, was born with a severe brain injury. He was born in a coma, but after I took a series of pictures of him using the flash on my camera, he opened his eyes. Unfortunately the brain damage was so severe, that he could not cry or suck, he had no hearing, no pupil reflex and no sense of smell. He was diagnosed with severe spastic quadriplegia.
To help him develop further, I investigated many practical  approaches to  improve brain  functioning from all  over the world. I vowed that if a technique had a beneficial effect on him, I would study the technique in more depth, so that I could do it with him at home. After 2 years of doing exercises with him (for 2 hours twice a day, 6 days a week with the help of many volunteers), his hearing was tested in the children's hospital and found to be normal! His pupil reflex and sense of smell had come back and he was able to cry, suck, chew and indicate "yes" and "no" answers to us. 

One of the first successful techniques I learnt was Suggestopedia (Superlearning). With the use of the Superlearning music, his body was able to relax, so that it was easier for him to do the exercises.

The next successful technique was Kinesiology. I had heard about the Doman-Delacato patterning programme that was done with brain injured people in the USA. We were doing a similar programme with the volunteers at home. A friend suggested that Friso could benefit from repatterning, which was part of the Educational Kinesiology (Edu-K) programme. Shortly thereafter Friso had a session with a Kinesiologist who performed the Dennison Laterality Repatterning Process (DLR). The DLR is an Integration Process that enhances integration between the left and right side of the brain. The effects were almost immediate. The volunteers all noticed that he became more and more alert and he was able to learn better. At that time we were also doing the Conductive Education programme with him (from the Peto institute in Hungary). This programme is based on cognitive learning and the effect of the Educational Kinesiology on his ability to learn was so clearly noticeable, that I decided to take the Basic Edu-K and Touch For Health (TFH) courses, curious to learn more.

One of the volunteers had a son, Chris, who was repeating grade 2, because he had some problems with writing, especially story writing. After that initial Kinesiology course, I needed to practise what I had learnt. I did the above Integration Process with him, as well as some Brain Gym® exercises for writing. After 3 sessions his writing had improved to the point that he no longer used capital letters where they did not belong, stopped making reversals (b for d), improved the spacing of the letters and his spelling was no longer phonetic. He also started writing stories with illustrations, instead of his usual one-liners (see Free information booklet: "How to Improve Learning?"). Needless to say I was very impressed by the results and so were his mother and teacher, therefore I decided to do further training and became a Consultant and Instructor in Educational Kinesiology in 1988.

Whilst I was treating learning and behaviour problems (working both with children and adults) I discovered that food allergies and the effect of vaccinations and antibiotics can play a major role in the development of learning and behaviour problems, autism and developmental and language delay. I was curious to find out what the link was between nutrition and learning, so when in 2001 the University of New England (Armidale NSW) was the first University in Australia to offer a Masters Degree in Health Sciences (Nutrition Medicine), I enrolled in the first course and was accepted. During the Masters Degree study I won the scholarship prize of the South Australian Chapter of the University of New England Alumni Association for Academic Excellence for two consecutive years and on completion in 2005 I won the "Dean's Merit Award".

Services Provided

* Assessments for Child Development, Learning, Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle related issues and conditions.
* Private Consultations for Emotional, Learning and Health issues such as preparation for a healthy pregnancy and healthy babies, developmental delay, Autism and ASD, ADD, ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Obesity and finding the optimal therapy, diet and lifestyle for each person/child.
* Free Introductory Lectures
* Courses

Free Introductory Lectures

A couple of times a year I give a free introductory lecture (see Course Brochures or  I am happy to come to your school or group
to give a talk on a topic that is of interest to you.

At a free lecture you can:

* learn about how the brain develops and why and how it can go wrong
* learn how to improve brain and body function
* experience Brain Gym®
* find out more about what you can learn in the courses
* ask any questions you may have

Certificates of attendance are available upon request.

Courses I teach or have taught

Please find below a list of courses I have taught over the years. You can read more about the courses that I have taught most recently or that are coming up in the near future by clicking on the links.

* Brain Gym® (Internationally Certified Course)
* Brain Gym® for Kids
* Brain Gym® for Parents and Teachers
* Quantum Learning Improvement
* Enhanced Study Results
* Advanced Teaching Skills
* Vision Circles/Vision Gym®
* Movement Dynamics
* Immuno Kinesiology
* Optimum Health Skills
* Brainfood
* Introduction to Kinesiology
* Gut Feelings

You can check for the next course dates and Free Introductory Lectures by clicking on
the Course Brochures link.

Make an Appointment

If you live in Australia and you would like to make an appointment to see Anke Koelman for an assessment or consultation, please click here

Do you have any questions?

Free introductory 1/2 hour telephone or Skype consultation with Anke Koelman.

To book your free consultation with Anke Koelman, please
contact us by phone: +61883794755 or email: akoelman@ozemail.com.au.

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